What does it mean to be selected for verification?

Approximately one-third of FAFSA applications are selected for verification each year. The Financial Aid program is a government funded project and students who apply for aid are selected at random to verify the information submitted on their application. Being selected for FAFSA verification does not mean a student won’t be awarded federal aid, it means the student will need to prove the information submitted during the application process is correct.
The government requires all colleges and universities to provide proof FAFSA application. The most requested information is the number of people in your house and number in college, supplemental nutrition assistance, child support and high school completion status. This extra step ensures eligible students receive the appropriate aid award. If a student is a dependent student, they are considered a dependent student and need to provide their parents tax transcripts also.
It’s frustrating being selected for verification, but it doesn’t have to be. ProVerifier+ Financial Aid Solutions eliminates the stress and hassle students experiences upon struggling to locate, copy and submit tax documents. ProVerifier+ Financial Aid Solutions, is an automated verification solution electronically retrieving tax data directly from the IRS. The transcripts are retrieved within 72 hours and are 100% accurate. It is even possible to retrieve all W2’s if so desired. ProVerifier+ Financial Aid Solutions alleviates stress and pressure, allowing students to focus on what is most important. Their education!